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Curious Monki | Yoga, Spirituality + Wellness

Jan 8, 2017


When you do your goals this year, try doing the opposite of what you normally do and focus on what feels good first  thennnn think about what you should do to attain it.  This is exactly the concept that the book, The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte, introduces.  And it makes sense.  How often do we set goals that would probably make us feel good if we attained (ex. Buy a house…) it but feels like such a chore when we work towards it (ie. Restricting yourself from even the simple pleasure of a fancy coffee once in a while…).  Worse yet, we feel like a failure if we don’t reach it.  Even worse, what if it doesn’t make us feel good after we get it!  Now that I’ve thought about it, it soooo doesn’t make sense to position feeling good as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; and then spend the majority of our time sacrificing, feeling bad or feeling mediocre at best.  Nuh uh.  I say take a stand for feeling good and use how you truly crave to feel guide your actions.  Of course, there’s something to be said about hard work and its necessity in cultivating success, but choose wisely as to where you want to spend your energy.  In a similar vein, the book also makes you reconsider your relationship with desire.  What does it mean to you...

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